
Sell or Auction

Green Bay Auctions can either auction your goods or buy them directly from you.

Receiving Goods

We receive goods on Thursday and Friday between 9am and 3pm.

Sellers Fees – Online Auctions

We charge 20% + GST on all items sold at auction. There is an additional $3 lotting fee per lot in the catalogue. This lotting fee is charged every time the lot is entered for sale.

Sellers Fees – InHouse Auctions

We charge 20% + GST on all items sold at auction. There is an additional $3 lotting fee per lot in the catalogue. This lotting fee is charged every time the lot is entered for sale.

Items that do not sell

If an item does not sell at the first auction, it will automatically be entered into the next auction unless it is withdrawn by the seller.


Reserves are not accepted on items under $50 and this value will be reduced by 20% each week after the first auction.

Payment For Goods Sold

Payments for goods sold are made by internet payment to the sellers bank account. This is done overnight on Tuesday after the auction. Payments are paid once items have been paid for. A vendor sale list is emailed after the auction on Wednesday.