About Us A little bit about us and our history


Green Bay Auctions began operations in Godley Rd Green Bay in the 1970s. It was a small suburban general auction house which gradually developed a lively “Westie” reputation.

The auction moved to its present location in Portage Rd in 1990 the building being an ex foundry.

Still operating as a general auction house there is always something quirky unusual and “Westie” at our weekly Wednesday auctions.

Hours of Business (Level 1 Covid)

Monday Closed for Lotting
Tuesday Closed for Lotting
Wednesday Auction Day / Viewing from 8:30am
Thursday Pickup & Receiving / 9:00am to 3:00pm (as directed)
Friday Pickup & Receiving / 9:00am to 3:00pm (as directed)

VIEWING only on Wednesday from 08.30am